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Case Study

MC Clear Leaders PNG

Empowering Meyler Campbell with Salesforce Optimisation

Client: Meyler Campbell, a professional training provider based in the UK


  • Low Salesforce adoption and lack of understanding of its value among staff.
  • Manual processes predominantly managed on spreadsheets, leading to a lack of data visibility for the CEO.


  • Establish Salesforce as the comprehensive system of record.
  • Create a single source of truth for all stakeholders (clients, faculty, participants and coaches).
  • Ensure full integration, reportability, and alignment with robust business objectives.

Solution: Salesforce Optimization Project

  • Goal Alignment: A comprehensive workshop to align Salesforce with Meyler Campbell's strategic goals, identifying key metrics and necessary updates.
  • User Engagement: A workshop to uncover staff perspectives on Salesforce, addressing pain points, training needs, and identifying gaps.
  • Agile Implementation: An 8-week project with weekly releases and updates, fostering continuous feedback and collaboration with key stakeholders.
  • Key Deliverables:
    • Data quality assessment and remediation with ongoing validation rules.
    • Revamped Account and Contact Records for a single source of truth.
    • Consistent Opportunity Management approach.
    • Up-to-date database of  Coaches.
    • Executive dashboards for Sales activities at company and program levels.
    • Integration of core operational processes.
    • Uploading of historical data missing from Salesforce.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Transition from Spreadsheets: The shift from spreadsheets to Salesforce required careful change management. Close collaboration with the team ensured training and process refinement to minimize disruption and maximise comfort.

Key Outcomes:

  • Uncovered £20 Million in Pipeline Opportunities: The optimization revealed previously dormant opportunities, significantly impacting potential revenue.
  • Centralized Core Operations: Key processes were brought into Salesforce, improving efficiency and providing much-needed visibility.
  • Increased CRM Usage and Adoption: User engagement soared, leading to an increase in license counts and an upgrade from Salesforce Professional to Enterprise Edition.

Conclusion: The Salesforce Optimization project successfully transformed Meyler Campbell's CRM experience. By aligning Salesforce with business objectives, enhancing user engagement, and streamlining processes, we empowered the company to achieve data-driven success. The significant increase in adoption and the uncovering of substantial pipeline opportunities underscore the project's impact. This success has fostered an ongoing partnership, enabling Meyler Campbell to continue leveraging Salesforce to its full potential.

"Scott and team worked really well to give confidence and enthusiasm to a team that had previously had a bad experience with Salesforce. Through a calm, respectful and warm approach he got them all onside and fully embracing the new approach. Scott was excellent in fitting the way Salesforce was set up for us to meet our workflow and business needs. We have made tremendous progress as a result."
Guy Ashton, CEO Meyler Campbell
Guy Ashton

CEO, Meyler Campbell.

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